Friday, January 6, 2012

Learning to Love Yourself through Loving Your Actions

So I was watching a DVR'd episode of Biggest Loser yesterday and Dolvett said to one of the contestants that was struggling with accepting themselves, "When you begin to love your actions, you begin to love yourself."  And it reminded me of a coaching call I had with Lonnie when I first started coaching with him.  I was having an off day and was having lots of negative feelings and I was kind of whining, okay not kind of, I was whining.  And he told me that instead of focusing on all the negative things and feelings that I was filling my brain with I just needed to focus on getting better.  Because when I became better I wouldn't have all these negative feelings and emotions and I wouldn't feel so stressed.  And boy I can't tell you how right he was.  And how spot on Dolvett was with his comment.  I have found myself slipping a bit back into the negative feelings and feeling some stress.  This past few weeks have been off weeks with the holidays and being sick.  But instead of dwelling on it, I decided yesterday I wasn't going to focus on how off it had been or all the things that didn't get done that should have.  So I focused all day on getting better.   I got up at six and I ran my 5 miles and I cleaned up my house that desperately needed my attention.  I got better and with every task I did and every meal that I ate like I was supposed to, I felt better about myself than I did the day before.  Today I got up at a few minutes after 5:30 and did a little closet purging, and made my bed, did all kinds of cleaning and you know what, I feel better.  I feel better because I am loving my actions.  I am doing what needs to be done.  This blog post is a step in the process of getting better too.  I have been feeling guilty for weeks that I haven't done a blog post because I have told myself that I was going to blog once a week.  So, I decided today instead of feeling guilty about it and laying down tonight thinking, well I didn't blog, again and feeling bad about myself, I would sit down and blog...So right now I feel much better about myself.  It is so much easier to just do the things we know we should.  And it makes you feel so much better!  So if you are stressed out or feeling a little less than proud of yourself today, I challenge you to think about what you can do today to rid yourself of a little stress or a little regret?  How can you be better today than you were yesterday?

1 comment:

  1. So true! I'm very proud of you and think that you are doing amazing things not only for yourself but for your family. Keep it up as you are inspiring others through your actions.
